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Junior Conversation

Überbrücke die Lücke zwischen dem Klassenzimmer und dem echten Leben!

As your child's personal Active Speaking Companion, I will provide a safe and nurturing environment for them to turn their classroom English into an English-speaking personality.

In exciting 1-on-1 conversations, your child will learn how to speak up and be an active speaking participant not only with me but also at school and in real life.

Laughing Kids

Kids and young adults today face three main language learning challenges

Incorrect Assumption

Language course in schools do not have the capactiy to focus on speaking-practice which might cause your child to aviod speaking all together.

This might lead your child to developing a false sense of insecurity around thier English-speaking ability.

Behind the Screen

Through Digital communication Gen Z and Gen Alpha engage with English content via YouTube, social media, gaming, and streaming.


This exposure improves their listening but might affect their face-to-face conversational skills due to a preference for online interaction.

Language Confusion

Social media exposes people to casual language and slang, potentially blurring formal and informal communication boundaries.


Your child must learn to distinguish online interaction language from the formal English needed in education and work.

Now what?

Give your child a head start

When your child is given the opportunity to just speak freely, they will:

Develop a confident and outspoken English-speaking personality


Embrace English-speaking situations at school and in real life through self-confidence

Learn the different forms of English we use in both informal and formal environments

Become an Active English speaker who is comfortable speaking English in-person

Youth Club Meeting

How it works

Each conversation experience is tailored to your child's interests, needs, and English level

Live Conversation

Live 1on1 conversation practice will give your child the experience of speaking English naturally and authenically.

They will learn to express their thoughts, emotions, and more importantly, their personality.

Incorporate School

Your child can discuss topics covered at school which will increase the relevance of our conversation.

They can also ask me questions about vocabulary and grammar topics they might need some additional help with.

Explore Curiosity

 Each conversation is guided by your child's natural curiosity expanding their English and general knowledge.

Let them explore the world around them, and share their ideas, thoughts, and feelings on different topics in English.


Phil ist der perfekte moderne Englischlehrer für meinen 12-jährigen Sohn. In spannend gestalteten Lektionen gelingt es Phil, Schwachstellen gezielt anzugehen und zwar nicht mit langweiligen, althergebrachten Übungen, sondern mit stets lustiger und spielerischer Konversation.


Phil's absolute Stärke ist es, ein Kind auf beeindruckend natürliche Art und Weise dort abzuholen, wo es steht, sodass die Zeit jeweils wie im Fluge vergeht. Die Kinder verlieren schnell alle Hemmungen, selbstbewusst in einer fremden Sprache zu sprechen und erhalten Gelegenheit auf natürliche Art und Weise ihre Englischkenntnisse im Alltag anzuwenden.


Phil's unkonventionelle, unkomplizierte Unterrichtsart, insbesondere sein ehrliches Interesse an den Themen, die meinen Sohn jeweils aktuell bewegen, begeistert mich als ehemalige Lehrerin immer wieder aufs Neue und der stetige Fortschritt meines Sohnes gibt ihm absolut recht.

Renate Sgier, Schulletierin in Zürich, über Ihren Son Gian


One offer. Simple as that.

*For children between 11 - 18 years of age

Diese Option beinhaltet:

Live-Gespräche mit mir entweder online oder bei mir im Büro

Spannende indivuelle gestallteten lektionen die zu sprech animieren

Professionelles Feedback & Wortschatzerweiterung

Flexibles Sprechzeit auswahl von 30, 45 oder 60 minuten, je nach Alter



CHF 65 / hr

CHF 60 / hr

Dein kostenloses Erstgespräch:

Willst du deinem Kind einen Vorsprung in der englischen Sprache verschaffen?

Dann mach es möglich und buche ein kurzes Beratungsgespräch mit mir.

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